3DSL v2022.0214 on 02/14/22


  1. Write the number of streamlines traced to the current restart (*.rst) file, then use when restarting a run.

Bug Fixes

  1. When forecasting a SURVEILLANCE=ON run, producers that contained negative saturations in their drainage regions throughout the base history run may have had an incorrect forecast due to a compiler bug introduced in the v2022.0208 release.

3DSL v2021.1031 on 10/31/21

Bug Fixes

  1. When forecasting SURVEILLANCE=ON and a well’s final historical gas rate is zero, a non-zero gas rate would sometimes be forecasted. 
  2. When forecasting SURVEILLANCE=ON runs, wells with less than three historical rates for a particular phase are correctly forecasted.

3DSL v2021.0831 on 08/31/21


  1. When reading .EGRID/.INIT files and TRANS keywords are not found in the .INIT file, 3DSL will now recompute all connections across faults, pinchouts, and gaps and may generate NNCs.  Previously 3DSL was assuming there were no NNCs for such a grid, unless explicitly defined in the NNCHEAD arrays of the .EGRID/.INIT files.

Bug Fixes

3DSL v2021.0819 on 08/19/21


  1. Reverted a change introduced in V2021.0630 which would reuse the matrix setup when recalling SAMG within a timestep.  The setup is no longer reused when SAMG is recalled.  This may slightly increase runtimes for some models but will avoid excessive runtimes when there are substantial numbers of wells backflowing.  

Bug Fixes

  1. When reading the FAULTS keyword, an out of memory error would occur if a fault contained more than 32,000 separate line entries.

3DSL v2021.0407 on 04/07/20

Bug Fixes

  1. For SURVEILLANCE=ON, keyword OSPLIT was not being ignored if specified.
  2. For SURVEILLANCE=ON, gridcells with water saturations equal to or greater than the max water saturations in the KRO table are tagged as aquifer cells and are not included in material balance well-pair volumes. Previously only gridcells with water saturations equal to the max water saturation in the KRO table were tagged as aquifer cells.

3DSL v2021.0303

Bug fixes

  1. For cases where 2 open wells share a connection in the same blk and this warning is issued ‘! WARNING. OPEN WELLS AAA & BBB SHARE BLK IJK= 1 2 3’, sometimes both connections were shut in.