3DSL v2021.0224

Bug Fixes

  1. When forecasting and SURVEILLANCE=ON,
    1. If a producer was shut at the final timestep, a valid forecast correlation model was not computed.  Well could not be properly reopened.
    2. For incompressible PVT, forecast correlation might fail unnecessarily if a producer’s history contained negative pressures.  Now include historical data associated with negative pressures.

3DSL v2021.0129 on 01/29/21

Bug Fixes

  1. Boundary efflux rates were not properly computed when SURVEILLANCE=ON and in forecast mode.
  2. If negative saturations are computed in well pair bundles for SURVEILLANCE=ON and the MODEL=FCM or LIVEOIL and these bundles are connected to effluxing open boundaries, the negative saturations are now reset to zero.  Only positive saturations can efflux from open boundaries.
  3. Bug fix to read/write of .rst files for SURVEILLANCE=ON runs.


3DSL v2020.1125 on 11/25/20

Bug Fixes

  1. 3DSL sometimes crashed if a later timestep contained no open wells, opened boundaries, and incompressible PVT, where the pressure solution had no pressure gradients.
  2. HISTGAS rates for a well were not echoed for timesteps where the well had no HISTOIL or HISTWAT defined and HISTFREEGAS=OFF.
  3. ‘NAMES’ vector was not written to the .SMSPEC file if all wells names were 8-char or less but well group names were more than 8-chars.


3DSL v2020.0904 on 09/04/20

Bug Fixes

  1. For SURVEILLANCE=ON, the %PV value written to the .wpv file sometimes contained ‘****’ rather than a number.  This then caused a restart SURVEILLANCE=ON run, based on the faulty .wpv file, to fail.
  2. Wells on LASTSIMBHP at the first timestep of a restarted run would shut-in rather than remain open and reset to LASTVOI rate control, if their final rate control in the base run resulted in backflow.  This bug was introduced in the v2020.0821 version.


3DSL v2020.0821 on 08/24/20

Bug Fixes

  1. For CHEMICALS the cumulative mass of each chemical injected or produced at each well was incorrectly calculated as 2x the actual value.


  1. RSAVG keyword now allowed for compressible MODEL=IMMISCIBLE runs.
  2. DRYGASPVT keyword is now required for all compressible MODEL=IMMISCIBLE runs.

3DSL v2020.0723 on 07/23/20

Bug Fixes

    1. MODEL=BLACKOIL the HISTGAS rate was ignored if HISTFREEGAS=OFF.  Now only the free gas portion of HISTGAS rate is ignored.
    2. Minor changes to the calculation of well porevolumes for shared gridblocks between producers. This changes the material balance calculation results slightly, compared to the 2020.0528 release.
    3. Minor bug fixes when forecasting compressible surveillance runs.


3DSL v2019.1127 on 12/03/19

Bug Fixes

  1. Upon running 3DSL it could delete *.rst files of a different 3DSL run in the same folder if the two runs share the same rootname in a wildcard match up to suffix ‘.1234567.rst’ of the .rst name file.
  2. The keyword WELTARGET in an Eclipse schedule file was not being ignored for wells on WCONHIST when converting from a .SCH to a .3dslrec file.