3DSL v2019.1029 on 11/14/19

Bug Fixes

  1. When translating a well path from X=, Y=, Z= to intersected gridcells (I,J,K) for CPG grids, intersected gridcells were not always found if the grid COORD lines were not vertical.  Also improved performance when searching the CPG grid and translating the wellpath.

3DSL v2018.0915 on 09/15/18

Bug Fixes

  1. When extracting the FPMap and injector efficiencies from ECL/IX flow simulations, the well voidage rates were being ignored due to bug introduced in v2018.0901 release.  This gave incorrect IE plot and no changes in the injector/producer well rate targets within floodOPT.  Any floodOPT project based on a *_slx.dat run since 2018.0901 needs to be rerun with 3DSL and the refreshed in the floodOPT project. 

3DSL v2018.0909 on 09/09/18

Bug Fixes

  1. For SURVEILLANCE=ON models, the efflux fluid rates and cumulative volumes being reported were incorrect. Material balance errors being output were incorrect and not using the actual well injection and produced volumes.  3DSL now reports the correct material balance errors.
  2. For ECLIPSEINIT= files that have the NNC keyword redefined compared with the NNC keyword in ECLIPSEEGRID= file, 3DSL was crashing due to a bug introduced in v2018.0901.

3DSL v2018.0901 on 09/01/18

Bug Fixes

  1. For SURVEILLANCE=ON models, the efflux fluid rates and cumulative volumes being reported were incorrect. The internal material balance was correct.
  2. The keyword MULTPV inside of a .INIT file was not being applied to the final porevolume of each gridblock.
