3DSL v2017.0925

  1. For SURVEILLANCE=ON, do not apply pattern material balance to gridcells where So<=Sor.
  2. Can now read dual porosity grid files with the ECLIPSEEGRID and ECLIPESINIT keywords.
  3. Keyword NNCEGRID to can be used to ignore all NNC’s defined in a .EGRID file.
Bug Fixes
  1. When testing if TRANNNC was missing from a .INIT file, the test sometimes failed when it should not.
  2. For SURVEILLANCE=ON, do not allow wells on group control.

3DSL 2017.0531


  1. When reading the ECLIPSEINIT= file, if keywords NNCHEAD, NNC1, NNC2 are present, these will override the previous definition of the keywords if defined in ECLIPSEGRID= or ECLIPSEEGRID= files.

3DSL 2017.0501


  1. Using RLM libraries 12.22
  2. Only issue warnings for zones containing a single well. Previously the warning was issued if the zone contained a single boundary.
  3. For PatMB, output the phase rates for boundaries that are effluxing.
  4. Optimizations in the streamline transport step for models with gravity.

Bug Fixes

3DSL v2016.0922 on 09/21/16


  1. Updated reservoir fluid in place keyword names from FIPOIL to RFIPOIL. Similar for GAS and WAT.
  2. Force the coordinates of the streamlines in the .SLN??? files to be in the same coordinate system as the .EGRID rather than always writing out in absolute coordinates.
  3. Check when NAME8MAX=ON and more than one well‰ЫЄs name shares the first 8-char with another well. Simulation is stopped.еК

Bug Fixes