3DSL v2016.0713 on 07/13/16


  1. Support Intersect when reading .UNRST and .RFT files.
  2. 3DSL no longer automatically deletes the non-unified Eclipse formatted summary and restart files, as the file extension wildcard could possible delete non-Eclipse files.
  3. Improve the mapping between wells to streamlines to wells when reading in FD simulation .RFT and .UNRST files.

Bug fixes

3DSL v2016.0331 on 03/31/16


  1. When extracting streamlines from PSIM simulations and the well rates do not exist in a .RFT file, reset open wells to closed if all their layer rates estimated from the velocity field remain zero.

Bug Fixes

  1. Bug fix to streamline tracing time-of-flight calculation for gridcells with ultra-low fluxes.
  2. For compressible PVT systems with CHEMICALS, results were not thread-safe when executed on multiple cores.

3DSL v2016.0210 on 02/10/16


  1. Added the keyword option LASTSIMBHP to HISTPRD, HISTINJ, and HISTCTRL keywords to switch wells from a rate control, to their last value of simulated flowing bottom-hole-pressure. This is useful when forecasting well rates forward at fix BHP_Сйs.
  2. 3DSL will no longer support reading *.rst files created by a version of 3DSL dated earlier than V2014.

Bug Fixes

3DSL v2015.1217 on 12/17/15


  1. Output the .EGRID file rather than the .GRID file by default when creating the grid wireframe information even if ZCORN/COORD keywords are not present in the input file. л_The .EGRID format is typically about 60% smaller than the .GRID format so is faster to read/write. Use EXTENSIBLE=F to force a .GRID file output.

Bug Fixes

3DSL v2015.0401 on 04/01/15


  1. A GRID Section transmissibility multipliers is now allowed after TIME=0 section.
  2. Added the GRIDUNIT keyword to the .SLNSPEC format to visualize streamlines in Petrel when the MAPAXES is not at 0,0.
  3. If two open wells overlap a gridblock completion, shut in the completion of the well that has more remaining open completions, rather than more total completions.

Bug Fixes