3DSL v2014.0626 on 06/26/14


  1. Support the Eclipse keywords PRESSURE, ECHO/NOECHO in the INITIALCOND section of a 3DSL input file.
  2. Echo the values of NX,NY,NZ to the .eco file once the GRID section is parsed.
  3. If using the ECLIPSERST= in the INITIALCOND section, update the paths to the base restart file so that studioSL can find the base run.
  4. When reading ECLIPSEEGRID=, if MAPUNITS is missing default the value to the setting of UNITS=.
  5. Improved KRWO and KRGO tables echoed to the .eco file.

Bug Fixes

3DSL v2014.0514 on 05/14/14


  1. When reading files supplied with the keywords ECLIPSEINIT= and ECLIPSERST=, 3DSL now supports grid property arrays in expanded (all cells) format.

Bug Fixes

  1. When reading an ECLIPSEEGRID= file that contains NNC's, but the ECLIPSERST= file does not contain fluxes for the NNC's (such as FLROILN+), 3DSL now issues an error instead of crashing.

3DSL v2014.0424 on 04/24/14


  1. When extracting SL's from Eclipse simulations, NNC's defined for parallel compute regions, are now supported.
  2. Echo the capillary pressure information to the .eco file if ECOFILE=ON in the RELPERMS Section.
  3. Reduced time to read successive timesteps in the ECLIPSERFT file, if supplied.еК

Bug Fixes.

3DSL v2014.0321 on 03/21/14


  1. If NaN is detected at the end of a timestep, stop simulation and exit 3DSL with error code -1.

Bug Fixes.

  1. Injection composition assigned to an injector group was not being updated if the composition was changed at a later TIME period.

3DSL v2014.0301 on 01/03/14

This is the first major release of 3DSL since v4.10 and contains numerous behavioral changes.еК 3DSL is now compiled with the latest Intel compiler 14.x and the SAMG (Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Systems) matrix solver has been upgraded to v27a1p6. Streamsim has also taken this opportunity to add new functionality to initialization, transmissibility calculations, tracing routines and parallel-compute regions of runtime code.еК

3DSL v4.10 on 11/27/13


  1. For surveillance models, if HISTFREEGAS=OFF, wells will produce at their historical liquid voidage rates and produced gas will be ignored.

Bug Fixes

  1. For surveillance models, phase fluxes at boundaries were not being calculated correct at surface conditions when Rs/=0.
  2. For surveillance models, historical voidage rate was not always being honored.