3DSL v4.10 on 10/18/13


  1. Added the keyword STOPSIMTIME= to the RUNOPTIONS section.

Bug Fixes

  1. For a well on group control that violates its rate limit, switch the well to that rate limit and remove from guided group control but include well‰ЫЄs rate as part of the group constraint.
  2. When reading a .sgrid file, well paths defined using X=,Y=,Z= were not calculated to intersect the grid, when in fact they were.

3DSL v4.10 on 05/02/13


Bug Fixes

  1. Added check that a group constraint must be defined if a well for the given group, is put on group control.еК Previously 3DSL would crash if the constraint was not defined.

  2. For multi SATNUM models, if all phase relperms are zero during the calculation of gridblock phase transmissibilities, the will be reset to a TINY number to avoid divide-by-zero.

3DSL v4.10 on 03/04/13


  1. 3DSL will create an ASCIIеК*.cvs file containing field level production, injection, andеКinsitu data at each timestep for all chemical components defined.еК This data is already written to the *.SMSPEC file.

Bug Fixes

  1. When reading ECLIPSEINIT= files, force "normal" connections based onеКnon-zero TRANX values even if MULTX=0 for the connection.
  2. When writing CHAR stype keywords to theеКECL style files, skip writing array contents if array length=0.еК

3DSL v4.10 on 02/11/13


  1. Added field level chemical summary output to an ASCII .cvs file.
  2. For NOSIM=ON, 3SL will return an exit code of 0 when completed.

Bug Fixes.

  1. If a well is set to GC=ON and it was previously supplied with HISTOIL, HISTWAT, HISTGAS controls, the well would not switch to group control.
  2. If WELLNOBLKS=ON and a well with no active completion blocks was on group control, 3DSL would crash.


3DSL v4.10 on 02/15/13


  1. When reading ECLIPSERST= file, allow well layer intervals in the ZWEL() keyword to be associated with inactive blocks.
  2. When reading FIPNUM keyword from ECLIPSEINIT= file, if active cells found with a value of 0, reset to their value toеК1.
  3. For Windows x64 runtime, automatic sized arrays are now declared on the HEAP to allow for very large models to run.

3DSL v4.10 on 12/27/12


  1. For dualphi systems, now include the non-flowing matrix PV when computing theеКvolume properties to assign to a well's PV with the WPVеКkeyword present.
  2. Support reading dualphiеКgrids for ECLIPSEINIT= keyword.еК

Bug Fixes

  1. If injecting chemicals, they were being injected from TIME=0, regardless of the TIME= when injection was desired.
  2. When writing the .INIT file for dualphi systems, 3DSL crashed when writing FLUXNUM.

3DSL v4.10 on 06/26/12


  1. On windows, added checks for input and output file path+name lengths to not exceed the system limit of 260 chars (file creation) and 256 chars (file reading).еК On linux, increased the limit of file path+name lengths to allow up to 512 chars.
  2. Improved warning message for allowable keywords with 3DSLFMT=.

Bug Fixes