3DSL v4.10 on 11/05/12


  1. Support the FLR???I+ group of keywords written to a .UNRST file by Eclipse if the FLORES keyword is present in the EclipseеК.DATA file.

Bug Fixes

  1. When reading ECLIPSEINIT= files, force gridcells to have the porevolume computed in the PORV keyword of the file.
  2. Write out the MAPAXES keyword to the .EGRID/.GRID files in either feet or metres, consistent with the input file unit system.

3DSL v4.10 on 12/20/11


  1. Added the gridblock delta time-of-flight (TOFDEL) as a grid OUTPUT property for 3D visualization.
  2. Added STARTDAYS and ENDDAYS to the ECLIPSERST keyword, to set the range of timesteps that 3DSL will use when extracting streamlines.
  3. Added ECLIPSERST and STARTDAYS to the INITIALCOND section, to allow setting pressure and saturations from an Eclipse .UNRST file.

Bug Fixes.

3DSL v4.10 on 04/19/12


  1. Runtime efficiency substantially improved when output of streamlines to the .sl2 and .???SLN formats is requested.
  2. Ignore the Eclipse FILEUNIT keyword if present in the GRIDSECTION.

Bug Fixes.

  1. Support mixed units when reading the MAPAXES and GRIDUNIT keywords present in a .GRID or .EGRID file.

3DSL v4.10 on 03/25/11


  1. HISTFREEGAS, HISTPRD, HISTINJ keywords are now recurrent.еК They can now be redefinedеКmultiple times after TIME=0.
  2. Wells on group control rate that then switch to pressure control will return toеКgroup rateеКcontrol ifеКthey are able to switch off of pressure control.еК
  3. For SURVEILLANCE=ON,еКif HISTFREEGAS=OFF (or HISTPRD=LIQ) producer rates will matchеКhistorical voidage rates andеКsimulated gas rates will be returned as 0.еКеК

Bug Fixes.

3DSL v4.10 on 07/23/11


  1. One block per record read/write to the Eclipse output formats. Set ONEBLKRECORD=F on the ECLIPSEFMT= line to follow the original Eclipse standard.
  2. Support reading analytical and numerical aquifers in a .UNRST file.
  3. Approximate well layer rates when exporting streamlines, if the .RFT file is missing.
  4. Extended SALTNODE, PLYVISC, PLYVISCS tables to 10x max of their original concentrations.

Bug Fixes.

3DSL v4.10 on 09/29/11


  1. Integrate with RLM9.22 license manager.
  2. Echo the TIMESTEP= after reading the .UNRST/.RFT files
  3. Support reserovir phase volume fluxes QOILI+, QWATI+, QGASI+ etc keywords when reading .UNRST file.

Bug Fixes.
