3DSL v2024.0913


  1. For compressible PVT runs:
    1. Avoid mini-timesteps when cutting back the timestep size due to convergence of the pressure solution.
    2. Improvements to the 1D streamline transport solver.
  2. For flow simulation runs (SURVEILLANCE=OFF), improvements to the 1D gravity solver.
  3. Output the fluid in-place volumes keywords (RFIPOIL, RFIPGAS, RFIPWAT) to the per-well pair .slbun file.

Bug Fixes

3DSL v2023.0914


  1. For restart runs that have the PLYSHEAR keyword, the velocity field at the final timestep is now written to the base run and used when computing the pressure field at the first timestep of the restart run.  This improves well rates and BHPs continuity across the restart point.

Bug Fixes

3DSL v2023.0715

This is a major new release of 3DSL.  Due to the below enhancements and bug fixes, the single-thread results will not be identical to the previous release version results.


3DSL v2022.1115


  1. Allow PERMX, PERMY, PERMZ and/or PORO to be read before reading a .INIT file.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix bug when reading the ALL option for a relperm table keywords such as KRWO.
  2. If no WELLS are defined but open BOUNDARIES are defined, this would cause a crash when writing the *.vectors.h5 file.

3DSL v2022.0916 on 16/09/2022

Bug Fixes

  1. If a well XYZ completion falls on the same I,J column for both the top and bottom planes and also perfectly aligns with a grid block face edge, the XYZ completion was not always found. As this fix changed the search algorithm, some well paths will now have slightly different I,J,K blocks and completion transmissibilities than with 3DSL v2022.0908.

3DSL v2022.0517 on 05/17/22


  1. Added keyword NZSUBGRID to control the number of depth points to use in a gridblock when computing the initial saturation of each gridblock.
  2. Keyword NODESMIN has been reinstated to control resolution along streamlines in conjunction with NODESMAX. See the Technical Appendix for more information.
  3. Optimizations when SURVEILLANCE=ON and OMPTHREADSAFE=ON to reduce runtimes.

Bug Fixes