studioSL v2022.0318 (2022/03/18)


  • Updated executables and manual to 2022.0315.


  • Updated executables to 2022.0304.
  • Fixed bug on adding well groups from well selection in floodOPT configuration panel.
  • Fixed bug on title visibility when exporting a floodOPT rates plot.

Eclipse File Parsers

  • Fixed bug when calculating the record size when reading Eclipse binary formatted files.

3D Viewer

studioSL v2022.0126 (2022/01/26)


  1. Updated 3DSL executable and manual to 2022.0117.


  1. Fixed bug when visualizing shape/annotations/zmap files in 3D.
  2. Fixed bug in Max NTG and Max PORO default values being set to zero.
  3. Fixed bug in unit system when including GridBuilder output files from DeckBuilder.


  1. When plotting well perforations, the axes was disappearing from plot.

studioSL v2021.1108 on 11/08/21


  1. Fixed bug with new Max Calculated values defaulted to zero instead of 0.26 (closed packed spheres) for PORO and 1.0 for NTG on existing GridBuilder files.

3D Viewer

  1. Icons for grid, wells, slines, fpmap, bubbles in the timestep list are now updated based on the currently selected run even when refreshing.

studioSL v2021.0831 on 08/31/21

3DSL Enhancements

  1. When reading .EGRID/.INIT files and TRANS keywords are not found in the .INIT file, 3DSL will now recompute all connections across faults, pinchouts, and gaps and may generate NNCs.  Previously 3DSL was assuming there were no NNCs for such a grid, unless explicitly defined in the NNCHEAD arrays of the .EGRID/.INIT files.

3DSL Bug Fixes